Sacramento Poet Laureate Emeritus Bob Stanley reads with Autumn Newman and Lawrence Dinkins

John Natsoulas Gallery 521 1st St, Davis, CA, United States

Dear Friends of Poetry, The Poetry Night Reading Series is excited to feature an evening with Sacramento poet laureate Bob Stanley at 7 PM on Thursday, June 20th, 2024, on the first floor of the John Natsoulas Gallery, 521 1st Street in Davis. On the release of his new book, Language Barrier, Bob Stanley will be reading with Sacramento […]

NSAA @ Mahogany Urban Poetry Series

Our Place 1107 Firehouse Alley, Sacramento, CA, United States

Come join us for an evening of powerful spoken word performances at Our Place! The Mahogany Urban Poetry Series showcases talented poets from diverse backgrounds, sharing their unique perspectives and stories through the art of poetry. Whether you're a poetry enthusiast or just looking for a night of inspiration, this event is sure to captivate […]


Poetry at Albion Hall

Albion Hall 143 Albion St, San Francisco, CA, United States

Poetry at Albion Hall Sunday, November 17, 2024, 4:00 pm A Sunday afternoon reading featuring eight poets: Genny Lim, current San Francisco Poet Laureate, Giovanna Lomanto Kim Shuck, 7th San Francisco Poet Laureate David Gorin, Winner of the 2023 Emily Dickinson Award Deborah Bachels Schmidt  NSAA (Lawrence Dinkins, Jr) Rebecca Lee Whiting Bob Stanley, Sacramento Poet Laureate, 2009-2012 With musical accompaniment by Mike Shea on bass   Join us for this special poetry event! Sunday, November 17 from 4:00 to 6:00 pm Doors open at 3:30 Albion Hall is located at 143 Albion St, San Francisco Seating is limited Please make your reservation at Suggested donation […]